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The National Shoot To Retrieve Association (NSTRA) was founded by a group of dedicated bird hunters looking for a way to extend the fun they enjoyed with their bird dogs after the season ended. Shoot to Retrieve Field Trials, under hunting conditions, were the answer. NSTRA trials provide an extended season, a sportsmanlike environment and competition with others who enjoy bird dogs. If you're looking for a way to extend the season this is the place for you and your family.
How it works: A trial is composed of 32 dogs who run against each other in 16 braces that are 30 minutes long. The fields are generally 40 acres with each brace having 5 birds planted for them. The goal is to find as many birds in your field as possible. The dogs are scored based on their finds, retrieves, obedience, ground coverage and, if given the opportunity, honoring their brace mate. The dog that has the highest score at the end of the day is the winner. Most importantly everyone is there to have fun and enjoy the sport.
How to earn a championship: *You must obtain 18 points with 9 of those being 1st place points. *A 3 point trial has 24-32 entries and 1st place gets 3 points, 2nd gets 2 points, and 3rd gets 1 point. *A 2 point trial has 18-23 entries and 1st place gets 2 points, and 2nd gets 1 point. *A 1 point trial has 12-17 entries and 1st place gets 1 point.